Friday, March 30, 2012

Tips on CICS

Tips on CICS
1. How do you place the cursor on a particular position on the screen? - GS Move -1 to the length attribute of the field and use the CUSRSOR option. Define the field with IC in the BMS map.
2. What are the two outputs created as a result of generation of a map? - GS The map copybook and the load module. Tips on Mainframe 3. What is the difference between physical map and symbolic map? - GS The physical map is the load module and the symbolic map is the data structure.
4. How do you protect a field from being overlaid? - GS
5. What is the attribute byte? - GS Defines the display/transmission of field. most cases is an output field from the program.
6. What are the 3 working storage fields used for every field on the map? - GS Length, attribute and input/output field.
7. How is dynamic memory allocated within a CICS application program? - GS Use a GETMAIN
8. What are the restrictions while using GETMAIN and FREEMAIN? - GS
9. How are VSAM files Read in CICS pgms? - GS File Control Commands. Random, Sequential, forward and backward.
10. When you compile a CICS program, the (pre)compiler puts an extra chunk of code. Where does it get included and that is it called? What is its length? - GS DFHEIBLK, DFHCOMMAREA.
11. List all the CICS tables and explain their contents. - GS PPT SIT PCT JCT FCT SNT DCT SRT RCT TCT
12. I have written a CICS program. What tables should I setup to run this program? - GS PPT, PCT, (FCT, DCT, RCT (if needed)).
13. In which table would you make an entry for a BMS map? - GS PPT
14. What is the content of the PPT entry? - GS Length, Source, Use count, Lang, Res count DFHRPL number
15. For a CICS-DB2 program, how is the plan referenced? - GS Uses a RCT table.
16. What is the use of a TDQ, TSQ? - GS Temporary data stores.
17. How do you read from a TSQ? - GS Temp storage read command
18. If I create a TSQ from one transaction, can I read it from another transaction? - GS Yes. As long as they run in the same region.
19. Can you issue SQL COMMIT from a CICS program? - GS No.
20. What is the other way of terminating a transaction? - GS
EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT. Assuming it is a LUW. This will not end the Xn.
21. What is an ASRA abend ? Any data exception, problem SOC7, SOC4 etc.
22. What is an AEY9 abend ? DB2/IDMS not up.
23. What are the situations under which NEWCOPY is required ? When a program has been used in CICS atleast once and then changed and recompiled.
24. What is 2 phase commit? Simultaneous Syncpoint for two different DB for ex VSAM and DB2 updates
25. What are extra partition & intra partition TDQs? Extra partition TDQs are datasets used for communication b’n CICS and other CICS/Batch regions. Intrapartition TDQs are queues for communication within regn.
26. What is trigger level in the context of TDQs? For intrapartition TDQs specify the # records at which ATI happens. not applicable for extra partition TDQs.
27. What is ENQ, DEQ ? Task control commands to make resources serially reusable.
28. What is MDT? What are FSET, FRSET ? Modified Data Tag. Bit in the attribute byte indicating modification of field on screen. Happens on an input operation. FSET. Sets MDT on to ensure field is transmitted. Happens on an output operation. FRSET. Resets MDT. Until this happens, field continues to be sent. Tips on Mainframe 29. What is EXEC CICS RETRIEVE ? Used by STARTed tasks to get the parameters passed to them.
30. What do you do if you do not want characters entered by the user to be folded to uppercase ? Use ASIS option on RECEIVE.
31. What does the BUFFER option in RECEIVE mean ? Brings the entire datastream from the terminal buffer.
33. What is the difference between a PF key & a PA key ? PF keys wake up the task and transmit modified data, PA keys only wake up the task.
34. Name some important fields in the EIB block ? EIBRESP, EIBCALEN, EIBRRCDE, EIBTASK, EIBDATE, EIBTIME
35. Can you use DYNAMIC calls in CICS ?
Yes, the called routine must be defined in PPT and the calling program must use CALL identifier..
36. How do you handle errors in CICS pgms ? Check EIBRESP after the call or use the HANDLE condition.
37. How do you use extended attributes ? Define EXTATT=YES and the correct terminal type.
38. Suppose pgm A passes 30 bytes to pgm B thru commarea and pgm B has defined its DFHCOMMAREA to be 50 bytes . Is there a problem ? Tips on Mainframe Yes, if B tries to access bytes 31-50.
39. When an XCTL is done, does the tranid change ? Is a new task created ? Does it cause an implicit SYNCPOINT to be issued ? No, No, Yes.
40. How do you execute a background CICS txn ? With a START or ATI.
41. How do you fire a batch job from a CICS txn ? Define an extrapartition TDQ as an internal reader and write the JCL to it. Terminate the JCL with /*EOF.
42. Can a CICS region be attached to more than one DB2 subsystem ? no and yes. You can access objects of other db2 subsyetms by defining alias. However explicit access to remote db2 subsystem object is not possible
43. What determines the DB2 subsystem to which a particular CICS region is attached ? RCT
44. What is the DSNC transaction used for ? for establishing link between cics and db2
45. What is the use of DSECT parameter in BMS? Is the parameter to generate a symbolic map.
46. Do you receive the attribute byte in the symbolic map? On EOF yes.
47. How do you make your BMS maps case sensitive? Use ASIS???
48. What is effect on RECEIVE MAP when
• PF key is pressed? Data transmission may happen,
• PA key is pressed? Data transmission will not happen.
49. What is the use of DCT? Destination Control Table used to define TDQs
50. How do you handle error in a CICS program? Same as 36.
51. Name the macros used to define the following:
52. Can you use OCCURS in a BMS map? If you do, what are the issues related with its use? Yes. cannot use group by clause???
53. What is the meaning of BMS length of field = 0? Data was not entered in the field
54. Can you simply check if length = 0 for checking if a field was modified? No, not if ERASE EOF was used.
55. What is ATI? What kind of TDQ can be used? Automatic Task Initiation. Intra partition TDQ.
56. Do you require a table entry for a TSQ? If recovery is needed. Tips on Mainframe 57. Is there any entry for TSQs in CICS tables? Yes in the DFHTST.
58. What is the difference between START and XCTL ? START is used to start a new task. It is a interval control command. XCTL is used to pass control to a program within the same task. It is a program control command.
59. Can you define multiple maps in a BMS mapset? Yes.
60. How is the storage determined in the symbolic map, if you have multiple maps? Storage for maps redefine the first. This means largest map has to be the first.
61. What is the usage of language in the PPT entry? Language interface and call parameters???
62. Can you have CICS code in a copybook? If yes, what happens during compilation? Yes. Needs to be preprocessed.
63. What is an AICA abend? Runaway Task.
64. How would you resolve an ASRA abend? In COBOL II start with CEBR, and get the offset/instruction.
65. What are the steps you go through to a create a BMS executable? Assemble to create CSECT and Link
66. How will you access a VSAM file using an alternate index? Thru the path. Define path as an FCT and use normal File control commands. Tips on Mainframe 67. I have TSQ with 15 items. I want to delete the 10th item. How do I do that?
68. How do you rollback data written to an ESDS file? Define the file as recoverable. in cases where records have been inserted into the file, you may need to run a batch program to logically delete the inserted records.
69. I invoke a transaction from CICS. The program has a code: MOVE DFHCOMMAREA TO WS-AREA. What happens to this transaction? What happens to the other transactions? Junk may get moved in. Will cause Storage violation. ????
70. When you do a START, what will the value of EIBCALEN? Zero.
71. I have done a START BROWSE on a VSAM dataset. Can I do another START BROWSE without doing an END BROWSE? No.
72. How do I find the name of the CICS region inside my COBOL program?
73. Can you access QSAM (seq ) files from CICS ? No.
Can you access ESDS files from CICS ? Yes.

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